Avensus and DBHeroes enter collaboration

Information security in the healthcare sector is complex. The extensive network of healthcare providers, patients, health insurers, government agencies, software suppliers and other stakeholders play a role in the collection, storage, processing and transportation of enormous amounts of information, including patient data.

This is why DBHeroes and Avensus have entered into a unique partnership in the area of setting up databases and support with the implementation of NEN 7510.

NEN 7510

In order to provide the desired level of service to patients, it is necessary for healthcare providers to have reliable information available at all times. At the same time, it is important that sensitive information does not fall into the hands of unauthorised parties in order to protect patient privacy.

In addition, the joint use of information by these various parties requires standards in the areas of information storage, message format, communication protocols, definitions and coding of medical terms and, last but not least, information security.

NEN 7510 is the norm for information security within the healthcare sector in the Netherlands and is based on ISO 27001 with additional points of attention, specifically intended for the healthcare sector.

Confidential information that is only available to the patient and the healthcare provider who can access medical information if strictly necessary. But.... This will not happen by itself. Hospital IT organisations must set up their IT services in such a way that their healthcare institution complies with the NEN 7510, 7512 and 7513 standards. This standard is tested and verified annually for the required compliance by an external audit.

DBHeroes and Avensus/Eshgro

DBHeroes has extensive experience with data, databases and the application of the NEN 7510, 7512 and 7513 standards. DBHeroes advises and supports care organisations to ensure the availability and integrity of databases and to secure them against unauthorised access by means of assessment and the implementation of logging on database systems.

Avensus has over ten years of experience in supporting a wide range of organisations in setting up their information security, both within and outside the healthcare sector. The approach has been standardised in such a way that every organisation can meet the requirements of NEN 7510 in a short period of time.

Their shared knowledge and experience of NEN 7510 creates a synergy that allows DBHeroes and Avensus to jointly support customers in achieving and maintaining NEN 7510 certification.


Veronic van de Water
Telephone 055 3010100

Christian Hageraats
Telephone 088 8886000 christian.hageraats@dbheroes.eu


Edwin Strik (Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital):