Secure data in healthcare


In healthcare, IT is an indispensable support service that is taking on an increasingly prominent role. Every application will store information somewhere within a database, and in a hospital the number of databases quickly runs to more than 300. This volume of data will need to be properly managed and DBHeroes is the database expert for this. DBHeroes helps healthcare organizations ensure the availability and integrity of databases and secure them against unauthorized access.


How are your patient records secured?


Everyone who works in a hospital agrees that the care and safety of the patient comes first. As a CIO, you know better than anyone that in addition to the physical care provided by your hospital, you are also responsible for the security of all confidential patient information, such as the EHR. Are these patient files actually maximally secured and do you know who has access to these patient files?

Healthcare providers - like any other organisation - have to conform to the GDPR. In concrete terms, this means that hospitals must work according to the NEN 7510, 7512 and 7513 standards. Careful compliance with this standard leads to better care for patients because medical data is processed and exchanged in the correct manner. Confidential information is only available to the patient and the healthcare provider can view medical information if strictly necessary. But.... This will not happen by itself. Hospital IT organisations must set up their IT services in such a way that their healthcare institution complies with the NEN 7510, 7512 and 7513 standards. This standard is tested and verified annually for the required compliance by an external audit.

What is to be done then?

In order to comply with NEN 7510, 7512 and 7513, an IT department must perform activities related to the set-up of the information systems and the working method of the department. These activities are the same for every hospital and health care institution. These activities can then be secured in the work processes of the IT department. A NEN 7510 certification is valid for 3 years. Each year, an external auditor checks whether compliance still meets the NEN 7510, 7512 and 7513 standards. After three years, a full recertification audit is required to regain accreditation.

Need support?

DBHeroes has extensive experience with data, databases and the application of the NEN 7510, 7512 and 7513 standards. Do you want to know how to apply logging or check that a solution of a supplier does not endanger the implemented measures? Please feel free to contact us, even if you want to spar about this or any other subject. We will be happy to help you.



Data management

Data governance refers to the way an organisation creates, collects, stores, secures and uses data. This refers to all the data within an organisation. But how do you keep this under control and how do you apply the NEN 7510 standard, for example? DBHeroes will help you with this by supporting, advising or completing the data management.

In need of immediate support? Do not wait any longer and contact DBHeroes.

Can you trust the availability of the software?

How bad is it when you cannot rely on the availability or performance of your applications? This has a direct impact on patient care or the perception thereof. It causes stress to healthcare providers when this information is not readily available or when it is not possible to store information within someone's record (e.g. EHR). To ensure that the systems in which the information is stored are available and that performance remains optimal, we at DBHeroes offer our Team Extension service. We take care of the optimisation and management of environments such as SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL or Oracle.

In need of immediate support? Do not wait any longer and contact DBHeroes.

Working on the future

Developments in hospitals are so rapid and because there is so much focus on digital transformation, among other things, we see the importance of being able to quickly migrate or upgrade systems, but also that this must be done with the highest quality and accuracy. DBHeroes masters this expertise like no other and has already provided this to several renowned hospitals. During these migrations or upgrades the patient's interests must not be lost sight of and the systems must immediately comply with the NEN 7510 to 7513 standards. How easy it is if the care organisations already fully apply this and are supported in this by DBHeroes. This prevents unnecessary investments or saves a lot of valuable time.

In need of immediate support? Do not wait any longer and contact DBHeroes.


Sparring partner and advisor

As a CIO, IT manager or compliance officer, you are never alone with DBHeroes. As a consultant and sparring partner, DBHeroes helps IT departments to meet the requirements for the necessary NEN 7510 accreditation. This means daring to ask the right questions about the management, use and implementation of the measures required by the NEN 7510 standard. But you can also count on the advice of our certified professionals for other security aspects. Examples are the logging of databases and servers within EHR, requirements for an ISO 27001 certification or checking whether an organisation is not under-licensed or is over-licensed.


What our customers say:

DBHeroes fits perfectly into our care philosophy'.

Our employees have consciously chosen care.
That is where their heart lies. This is also reflected in the IT.
DBHeroes fits perfectly into our healthcare philosophy.
They understand how things work in a hospital.
They are flexible and able to switch quickly.
In a dynamic environment such as a hospital
those are essential qualities.

Edwin Strik(Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital)

Canisius Wilhelmina Hospital (CWZ) is one of the 27 top clinical teaching hospitals in the Netherlands. The hospital has 28 medical specialisms, 8 paramedical departments and 5 departments like emergency room and ICU. Almost 4,000 employees and many volunteers provide personal care to patients every day. DBHeroes has been responsible for the hospital's data management since 2016.